The forward-looking conference and networking event will focus on how sports media will be produced, distributed and consumed in the coming months and years, covering a range of subjects including the metaverse, creating content for mobile, media connectivity, AI, MAM and more.
We will be present to give you insights and ready to debate on the hottest topics in sports production and broadcasting.
Kybio, the ideal NMS to oversee your live sports broadcast.
Over the years we have learned some lessons that could be helpful to you. In this solution brief, we have compiled for you all the important points to consider for a successful deployment and thus arrive at the best fit for your own individual use cases.
There have been several important changes in recent years that have raised the criticality of effective monitoring and managing of these networks.
Benefit from a fully dedicated Kybio for 1 month to start monitoring and control of your media infrastructure. This free trial includes all of Kybio's advanced features.